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At ABC Hearing Aid Center we offer specials, incentives and discounts throughout the year. These offers change often, so be sure to check them out now.

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Call today to schedule a no-obligation hearing evaluation.

Active middle age couple out for a jog

Lunch & Learn

Mauris in sagittis erat. Praesent sit amet vestibulum odio. Proin sagittis urna quis faucibus sollicitudin. Aenean non urna fringilla, consectetur nunc id, vestibulum lacus. Suspendisse sed malesuada metus. Vestibulum volutpat luctus massa, vel sodales enim tincidunt at. Integer cursus urna dui, ut dignissim augue posuere at. Nulla rutrum blandit orci nec vehicula. Integer auctor finibus metus eu iaculis.

August 9th, 2020

11:30am – 1:00pm

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Take the First Step Toward Better Hearing

Call today to schedule a free hearing test.

Grown daughter laughing with her mother.